# $ K + Clock-IN! T by Phone Help Installation Clock-IN! By Phone needs to install in the same directory as Clock-IN!. Just follow the instructions. Installation is automatic. Customizing Clock-IN! By Phone Voice Files Clock-IN! by Phone comes with sound files in standard Windows .wav file format. Use the soundrec.exe program in Accessories to record over these files, if you wish. This allows you to record over the files and personalize the menus in your own voice. These are the files you can customize: ACCEPTAT WAV 23,812 09-14-95 9:26p SPEAKNM WAV 178,956 09-15-95 3:38a GETGRPDP WAV 180,844 09-14-95 9:15p GREET WAV 100,356 09-14-95 9:24p LEAVEMSG WAV 41,564 09-14-95 9:19p GRPORDEP WAV 54,924 08-22-95 1:02p CHGMENU WAV 112,860 09-14-95 9:17p TEST WAV 12,802 08-22-95 12:49p GETLOC WAV 42,244 09-14-95 9:32p NOMSGS WAV 30,220 09-14-95 9:20p NOTAUTH WAV 45,772 09-14-95 9:21p CAREFUL WAV 36,908 03-18-94 7:00a BADID WAV 407,692 09-15-95 3:53a MAINMENU WAV 207,756 09-14-95 9:29p GETCHARG WAV 46,852 09-14-95 9:28p GETHOURS WAV 99,876 09-14-95 9:31p GETPIN WAV 181,324 09-14-95 9:40p OCLOCK WAV 81,036 09-15-95 2:44a MINUTES WAV 68,428 09-15-95 2:44a When employees leave messages for you, they are stored in voice files (.wav files). You can simply open the files beginning with "_", these are incoming messages. e.g. An employee has a badge number of 100, and he leaves you a message. Play the sound file _100.wav to see the message. Outgoing messages can be recorded using the soundrec.exe program. Save the message as "!" + badge #+".wav". e.g "!100.wav" is a message for employee badge 100. All messages are recorded/stored in the same directory as Clock-IN! Setup For Clock-IN! By Phone When you first enter Clock-IN! by Phone, or when you select the H)elp, S)etup menu item you can choose your hardware and the # of rings until you answer the phone. You can also choose to use just your sound card and microphone to "evaluate" the by phone features. Typing speed - if you have a 486, your telephone users can type their entries on the telephone keypad at a medium rate. Very fast rates of typing will lose some characters with the IBM mwave drivers. On a 100Mhz or Pentium, this will not occur. How By-Phone works With Clock-IN! or Other Time/Attendance Software Clock-IN! By Phone, Version 1.0 accepts all Clock-IN! time model attendance and charge transactions. All transactions go into the queue.db database. You can easily browse all the by phone transactions in the spreadsheet view. When you enter the Clock-IN! program, all queued transactions are processed through Clock-IN!'s time engine. You can enter Clock-IN! from the same PC, while By Phone is running, or you can enter the Clock-IN! program from another PC on a network. Either way, the transactions are pulled from the queue database and processed through Clock-IN!s time engine. Other Time & Attendance Software-If you have other "open architecture" software for your time and attendance, you only need "pull" the transactions form the ODBC database, queue.db and post them through your own software. Working with the Test Phone in Sound Card Only Mode You don't have the Mwave card, but you still want to demonstrate Clock-IN! by phone? You can! After you run Clock-IN! by Phone, you can start the test phone. The test phone must be started AFTER BY PHONE. And you must be set up to USE the Sound Card/MPC card mode, not the actual MWAVE or DIALOGIC cards. Using the test phone, you can still see how By Phone operates: 1. Click the handset button to simulate picking up the phone. 2. 2. Listen to the prompts on your Sound card speakers. 3. Speak into the microphone when asked and use your mouse to click digits on the test phone when asked. Use the badge 100 (one zero zero) if you want to use a valid badge number. You don't have to have Clock-IN! installed at all to review or install Clock-IN! by Phone. MWAVE DRIVERS- Problems with Drivers (shipped with Mwave) Some older shrink wrapped Mwave packages may have out of date drivers. Use the latest Mwave drivers, found on our BBS for Clock-IN! by Phone. 3 disk set. ACE40-1.zip, ACE40-2.zip. # $ K + Support Mission Critical Software will provide support via fax at 810- 247-8444 for a period of three months following purchase of By Phone! Or call 810-247-0394 with your support questions. Or send a mail message on Compuserve to user ID 73127,77. Call and register today and get the latest version. With registration you will also get information on our retail versions of Bar Code IT!, Clock-IN!, and other fine Windows products. You'll also receive information on our customization services, including how to embed our bar coding technology in your Windows Applications. # HELPINDEX $ Wireless Help Index KMain;Overview;Start;Help;Index;Contents + AA:000000 # Registration $ Registration K Register;License;Shareware + AA:000005 # Support $ Support K Support + AA:000010